Front: Lydia Main, Jaedyn Adams, Maggie Reese Voigt, Braelyn Adams, Rebeckah Stumph, Eva Jensen, Wyatt Stumph, Nate & Zeke Kari. Back Row – BC4HSS Instructors – Elliot Jensen, Ed Stumph, Dane Dobesh. Youth – Eli Kari & Casey Dobesh.
Friday May 3rd was a SUPER Fun and motivational morning for the Butte Co 4-H Shooting Sports kids.
After a long season of practicing hard and a successful Spring State Shoot in Pierre April 26th-28th, the kids were greeted with a warm smile, some pointers for improving their techniques, and lots of words of encouragement from 5X National Champion, Pro Shooter Maggie Reese Voigt.
Some people believe in coincidences and some people believe in divine appointments. Maggie was in South Dakota to help promote SD Youth Hunting Adventures at their Annual Wildlife Banquet last weekend.
She was visiting her friends Tammy and Justin at Sturgis Guns when BC4-HSS member Braelyn Adams popped in to purchase a few new targets. Braelyn’s excitement with meeting a Ruger sponsored Pro-shooter coupled with Maggie’s inquires and enthusiasm to learn more about 4-H and the youth shooting program, lead to her coming out to the Center of the National Sportsman’s Club for a very impromptu time of shooting together.
Competitive target shooting is an activity that can be enjoyed by all ages and the 3 hours spent together was a true testament to that.
Maggie offered her experiences and expertise that work best for her in the several different kinds of shoots that she is involved with all over the world. Different stances and positions for different age groups, tactical speed vs. slow-fire precision, along with pistols vs. rifles there were many topics discussed!
Most of our BC4-HSS members start when they are around 8yrs old and build their skills ‘til they are 18, with several of our kids shooting at the National level the last few years in Grand Island, NE.
Maggie shared with us that she didn’t start shooting until she was in her early 20’s and became a National Champion in her early-30’s, but is shooting in world-wide shoots now in her early 40’s on a team with a 15 yrs old teammate.
Needless to say – we are very grateful for Maggie sharing some of her experiences with our members and inspiring them to challenge themselves and strive to aspire to the next level of which ever discipline they choose.
Maggie resides in CA, but has found a real love for SD after hunting with Gov Noem last fall at the 2023 and told us she will be in touch as she plans to make more trips to SD.