by Linda Velder
April 23, 1914
Butte County Commission met in regular quarterly meeting. E. A. Ritter, Wm. Schmele and T. F. Stevenson put in a report on the tour of inspecting of the Poor Farm roads. The Auditor was directed to advertise for bids for roads to and changes in buildings at Poor Farm, according to plans and specification. Also to appear before the Board, S. E. Davis and others asking that a public road be opened from the Diversion Dam east along the north bank of the Belle Fourche River, was received and referred to view, S. C. Berry, N. Fuller and Jacob Shroyer.
Monday while returning from taking the children home from school, Everett Cammack stopped at Hugo’s to pick up his mother who was visiting Mrs. Hugo. When they got a short distance from the house the horses became frightened and started to run. They held the horses until the line broke and then they both jumped out and Mrs. Cammack fainted, due to her limp condition, she was not badly hurt. Everett and the children were not hurt at all.
Captain Gaskill is thinking seriously of fitting out a bath and toilet facility in his new hotel building.
Some miscreant broke two stained glass windows at the Methodist Church last Friday night by throwing stones through them. The loss is about $50.00.
April 17, 1924
The Valley Irrigator has rounded out 16 years of existence, this issue being No. 1 of volume 17. That’s a long time to keep up the weekly grind of producing a newspaper; but was expect to stay on the job at least another 16.
Tucker Smith and Arthur Flint were in town last week. Mr. Smith got a load of oil. The Smith’s are plowing now days, using 2 plows and the Fordson Tractor.
Charlie Hurt killed a hog this week weighing 900 pounds and measuring 72 inches in length. It took several men to handle it. Some hog!
R. S. Keene made a trip to Nisland last week after beet seed. He was accompanied by his son-in-law John Lewis and they climbed and walked over the bridge south of Horse Creek and went to the home of the latter and spent a few hours, the bridge being in a condition that makes it impassable for teams and wagons.
April 19, 1934
Checks are being written today for Butte County School teachers who have been approved for Federal Aid according to word received from C. T. Martin, Regional Disbursing Officer. The checks will cover salaries for the month of March, with additional checks to be issued later for April and May.
Little Johnnie answered the door bell Sunday afternoon when the Minister called. “Pa isn’t home”, he announced”. “He went over to the golf club.” The minister’s brow darkened and Johnnie hastened to explain: “Oh he isn’t gonna play any golf, not on Sunday. He went over for a game of poker with the boys.”
Miss Eva Morgan, District Relief Superintendent and Robert Butts, County Director, were in eastern Butte County Tuesday looking for possible sites for transients or hard luck families, where gardening and rehabilitation work could be conducted. Several places were inspected but no definite Poor Farm location selected.
April 20, 1944
C. E. Balluff, Representative of the Squire-Dingee Pickle Company, was a Newell visitor yesterday, looking over the pickle situation. He was accompanied by E. H. Kent, Vale, fieldman for the Company. They are planning for 200 acres of pickles this year, depending upon German prisoners to do the greater part of the picking. From here they made of inspection in the Vale area.
American housewives may help avert the critical shortage of store bags and wrapping paper expected during the next few months by carrying shopping bags or baskets when making purchase and by re-using paper bags whenever possible, the WPB says. Small and boxed articles should be accepted unwrapped and several purchases from the same store should be put all in one bag. The current allocation of bags and wrapping paper is less than one-third of pre-war supplies.
Hay crops and the farm house of Alex Stark, about 3 miles this side of Belle Fourche, was destroyed by fire Wednesday afternoon. The house loss was estimated at $1500, was partly covered by insurance. The run-away fire started from a tractor, left idling in tall dry grass near a ditch bank.
Over-night guests in Newell recently were PFC Edward Yannuzzre, who was formerly station at the Bombing Range east of Newell and friends PFC Nathan Savishinsky, PFC Robert DeMerrett and Salvadore Coniglio all of who are now at the Rapid City Air Base. All spoke of a most pleasant visit.
April 22, 1954
Joe Foss, Republican candidate for Governor, will campaign in Butte County, Saturday May 1st. He will meet the public at the Newell City Hall at 8:00 PM, everyone is urged to attend and hear the candidate discuss important State issues. Joe Foss is a veteran of WWII and the Korean War. He was born and raised on a South Dakota farm is married, with 3 children. He presently is a member of the South Dakota State Legislature.
Latest thing up on the main drag went up Tuesday. It’s a new neon sign for Mr. & Mrs. Tony Toderoff’s Newell Hotel. Sitting high on the building, it’ll add still more pull to the new Motel from Main Street to the Highway traveler on the north part of town. Incidentally, the same men brought up the “R” and “U” for Price & Sons “Drugs” sign, but broke the tubing before they had it in place.
The Francis Jacobsen family of Castle Rock regrets to report that some cruel, uncaring person or persons either knowingly or unknowingly has poisoned 3 dogs at their ranch. One dog belonging to Jerry Jacobsen and the other 2 being a mother and her new born pup. The torture these dogs were put through certainly hurt the Jacobsen family deeply. Mrs. Jacobsen witnessed the death of the mother and soon after the other 2. If the killer has 2 small boys who posses pets whom they love more than words can say, they are asked to please bring them to visit the Jacobsen boys, so they can better understand the sadness the little boys are feeling and then reconsider the unforgivable act.
April 16, 1964
Col. Cullen P. With, Superintendent of the Motor Patrol, today announced he has accepted the resignation of Sgt. James Rumbolz, Belle Fourche, who is entering private business at Black Hills Clay Products at Belle Fourche. Col. With has named as `new Motor patrolman, Bently now stationed at Wessington Springs, will transfer to Belle Fourche. Rumbolz. 33, has been a member of the Patrol since 1952 and has given 12 years of outstanding service. Bently, 39, has been with the Patrol since 1955. We all wish both men success in their new positions.
Mrs. Clifford Burke, Mrs. Dan Olson, Mrs. Alfred Burke and Mrs. Louis DeJaeger entertained at a cradle shower in honor of Mrs. Jim Orwick at the Clifford Burke home Sunday afternoon. Several games were played by the many friends, neighbors and relatives, after whom Mrs. Orwick opened and displayed her lovely gifts and a lunch was served in a blue/pink theme.
Entries in the Poppy Poster Contest sponsored by the American legion Auxiliary this year must be 18×24 or 24×18 and must be turned in by April 30, the members of the local contest reminded children planning to enter same. Last year’s rules provide for 14×20 or 20×14 entries, but this has been changed for the current year. Mrs. Henry Anderson and Mrs. Catherine Hice of the local committee point out. The posters may be left with Mrs. Hice in Newell by April 30. All entries will be displayed in store windows.