125 years ago –
Belle TIMES,
February 23, 1899
Quail for Butte County TIMES, February 23, 1899
Quail for Butte County Through the efforts of Attorney LaFleiche the sum of about $50.00 was subscribed by our local nimrods for the purpose of buying quail to plant in this vicinity. Deadwood sportsmen have experimented with quail along upper Falsebottom creek and it is found that they thrive well and multiply rapidly. Deadwood and Lead parties have lately raised a large fund for the importation of more birds, and we understand it is their intention to stock lower Falsebottom, well down toward the county line, Belle Fourche will meet them halfway, and about nine dozen will be turned out to graze along Redwater. Jas. T. Craig has ordered three dozen which will be branded VVV and planted up the river. The little “Bob Whites” cost $4.00 a dozen. The one thing now necessary to be done is the formation of a gun club, and the adoption of measures for the enforcement of the game law, and make an everlasting burden to the “game hog” and “pot-hunter.” Unless this is done your quail money will be – literally and figuratively – “thrown to the birds.”
Talk of the Town
The Rocking Chair club will meet next Monday afternoon with Mrs. T. W. LaFleiche. It has been designated Lady Washington Day for the club and the members will appear in colonial costumes. P.P. Vallery was in from Snoma on Tuesday. He expresses great hopes for the early establishment of the proposed mail route between Belle Fourche and Empire, and says he has assurances from those who “sit close to the throne” that the department will act favorably on the petition.
100 years ago
Belle Fourche Bee February 24, 1924
FIRST WILD TURKEY The first real honest-to-goodness wild turkey to be seen in this section of the country is now on display in the window of Eccles hardware store. The bird is the property of Mrs. H. W. Schlickling of Belle Fourche and was shipped here from North Dakota to be used as a brooding cross on a domestic flock of turkeys. The great difficulty in raising turkeys is their susceptibility to various diseases for some of which there is no known cure. Many farmers have a promising flock in the spring, when suddenly a disease affects them and they all depart for the happy hunting ground before Thanksgiving. While the wild species is not as large as the tame, not having been “bred up,” they are much more hardy and disease resistant, hence the object of inbreeding.
STAGE DRIVER FROZEN The first death from freezing to be reported in the western part of the state this winter was Reinhold Dreshn, stage driver and mail carrier from Buffalo to Ludlow, S.D., on Saturday night of last week. Dreshn was found Sunday morning, in front of his car. When found he was still alive, and was taken to Buffalo and a physician summoned, but his life could not be save. He was on his way from Ludlow to Buffalo, and had reached a point about five miles from the latter place, when his engine had stopped, and apparently he had gotten out to crank it when he was overcome with the cold. Dreshn was a man of about thirty-five years.
75 years ago
Belle Fourche Bee
February 19, 1948
Interior Will Be Rearranged And New Colored Tile Laid Starting Feb. 21st An over-all remodeling, repairing and redecorating of the store interior will get under way Saturday of this week at York’s Golden Rule store in Belle Fourche. In connection with this remodeling program, this store is holding a remodeling sale, particulars of which will be found in the advertisement on page three of this issue of the Bee. Concerning the remodeling operation E. F. York store owner says, “we have long realized the necessity of a modern department store in Belle Fourche. Up to the present time, due to the many shortages of critical materials, and various delays, we were unable to do the things we most desired to give Belle Fourche a modern department store. “Our extensive remodeling program will be started Saturday of this week, which will include a colorful tile floor used only in the better department stores throughout the country. Another addition will be a complete Infants’ department in our balcony. Other extensive improvements will be made. There will be a new blonde-colored fixtures throughout the store. During the time of remodeling, we are asking our friends and customers to be patient with us and will do our best to attend to your usual shopping needs – a few departments may be somewhat disarranged but we hope such period will be as brief as possible.”
COUNCIL STARTS INITIAL ACTION ON STREET PROJECT March 8 Set for Consideration and Adoption of Paving Resolution The first official action has been taken by the city council for carrying out the proposed project of street improvement. Two resolutions to that effect have been prepared in official form and are published elsewhere in this issue. They are officially referred to as Street Improvement Nos. 3 and 4. Monday, March 8, has been designated as the official date at which time the council will consider the final adoption of the above resolutions and for considering any objections which may be made by interested property owners. The proposed improvement is for concrete paving. Paving in Improvement No. 3 is for 51-foot width, and for Improvement No. 4, 40 feet wide. The cost of the former to abutting property owners will be $13.56 per foot, and to the latter $9.03 per foot. The city will assume a portion of the cost of the improvement in street and alley intersections and one-fourth of the cost of the improvement fronting or abutting on the long side of a corner lot.
50 years ago
Belle Fourche Bee
February 16 1974
City Hospital is Making Plans for Improvements $30,000 Needed o Enlarge The Present Facilities to Meet Growing Needs The governing board of the John Burns Memorial Hospital, Belle Fourche, has made tentative plans for enlarging and improving present facilities to adequately take care of the constantly growing demands for hospital service in this city and the surrounding tri-state area. The hospital board estimates that approximately $30,000 will be needed to carry out the desired program. It has already received fourteen $1,000 donations, and another contributor has expressed a willingness to assume the expense of building completely equipping one room. The board has already sent out some 100 letters to interested prospective contributors calling attention to the present over-crowding conditions and the need of more medical equipment. “On frequent occasions,” states the hospital board, “it has been necessary to quarter some of the patients in hallways. Under the proposed plans it is intended to have 24 more rooms, a new dietary and kitchen, new delivery
rooms, maternity ward, nursery and medical laboratory. Under the provisions of the will of the late John Burns, who made the construction of this hospital possible, the board is not permitted to got in debt for improvements or expansion – for that reason, the money must be raised before this plans can be carried out. The board appreciates the support and contributions already given and tendered – it contemplates no official solicitation campaign but will always be pleased to get in contact with other perspectives donors.”
Relatives Watch POW Leave Plane “We thought he looked good. He limped a little, but otherwise seemed all right.” Mrs. Lloyd Bucher of Belle Fourche made that comment yesterday after she had watched her nephew, Navy Lt. Roger Lerseth walk off the plant at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines with the first contingent of war prisoners released by North Vietnam. Lt. Lerseth was shot down over North Vietnam last fall and had suffered a fractured leg. The released prisoner’s mother, Mrs. Lillian Lerseth and his wife, of Spokane, will got to Oakland to meet Lt. Lerseth when he arrives in the States. Lt. Lerseth’s parents were former residents of the Camp Crook and Belle Fourche areas. His grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lerseth are currently living in Belle Fourche. He has three uncles – Alfred, Melvin and Joe Heggem at Camp Crook. Relatives feared that since he was among the first to be released, Lt. Lerseth’s injuries might be more serious than first indicated. They were relived when they saw him walk off the plane.