BELLE FOURCHE-During the March 5 Butte County Commission meeting, Highway Superintendent Dwayne Heidrich informed the commissioners that several signs along county roads have been damaged and highway personnel have spent several hours repairing them. He also mentioned that the sign budget was almost used up. The signs have been shot at and run over or even been unbolted from the ground posts.
Vice Chair Karrol Herman suggested that the Sheriff’s Office do additional patrols.
“It costs taxpayers to replace them. Please stop!” said Herman.
The penalty for damaging signs is usually a Class II Misdemeanor.
Public observation was also urged, with a member of the audience asking which roads have the most incidents. Most of the damaged signs are found west of Belle Fourche on 3V, Rehorst, and Sourdough. The public was advised to report any sightings or information about sign damage to the Butte County Sheriff’s Department.
During Public Comment Sue Broadhurst mentioned the initial first draft of the cannabis ordinance and that it was done prior to the rules implemented by the State. She suggested that the Commissioners may have “jumped the gun” by several months. Broadhurst also noted that the minutes did not reflect motions made and the reasons for the motions, suggesting that it led to confusion.
Dale Simanton voiced his commendation to the Highway Department and the quick work that was done on a local road.
The quality of the sound on the county’s website was addressed by Travis Ismay. He requested the commissioners place a microphone on the table. Commissioner Chad Erk asked if it would be possible to add one microphone to be used at the table for better audio online.
The second reading was done by Vice Chair Herman of the Butte County Ordinance 2024-01: An Ordinance for State and Federal Background Investigations for Applicants for County Employment. The effective date for the ordinance will be 20 days after publication.
State’s Attorney LeEllen McCartney informed the commissioners that the person slated to be hired as Deputy States Attorney has decided to not take the job as he is moving to another part of the state.
Presently, McCartney is working on several current cases as well as discussions with Meade County States Attorney to share services as needed.
There were quotes for the electric upgrade to the Butte-Lawrence Fairgrounds and security door upgrades at the Courthouse. The quote for $36,858.10 from Swaney Electric was approved for the fairgrounds’ electrical needs. Architectural Specialties gave a quote for security door upgrades and cameral replacement per the Sheriff’s Department in the amounts of $6,821.75 and $2,938.58.
Commissioner Herman mentioned a call she had received regarding the decision made by commissioners at the last meeting concerning the salvage yard on Highway 212. There is concern that items will be unloaded on 5-Mile Road and may discarded on that county road. The fencing requirement only covers the portion along Highway 212. She had received a request that a fence be built along the county road also. The commissioners had included the provision that the fence continue along that portion of the road, but it was at the discretion of the owner.
The status of the sale of county property was explained by Auditor Annie Capp. She is currently getting appraisals and Owner and Encumbrance reports for all parcels.
Commissioner Erk announced that the dates for the Butte-Lawrence County Fair dates have been set for 2024-July 29-August 3.
The next Butte County Commission meeting will be held March 19 at 6 p.m.