March 19, 1914
A very enjoyable surprise farewell party was given for Rev. & Mrs. W. R. Sisson at their home, 4 miles west of town Thursday evening by their neighbors under the management of the Missionary Society of the Blaine Congregational Church. The couple are about to depart for their future home in Wyoming, about 12 west of Belle Fourche. A program of songs and recitations were rendered, and then a delicious lunch with ice cream was served after which a fine rocking chair was presented to the couple as a token of esteem and remembrance from their neighbors.
Cola Clark who lives near Ball lost his house and all his household goods by fire several weeks ago. The neighbors liberally contributed in provisions, cooking utensils, furniture, etc and a shack was moved onto the place for their temporary use. M. J. Henderson was in Tuesday and received about $45 in money from the charitable citizens of Newell.
There was a large attendance at the Court House in Belle Fourche on Tuesday when the State School lands were leased. In most instances there was not much bidding and those who live near the land got it for the normal charge. In some instances, however, the bidding was sharp. One section, rented for 33cents. There was one section went at 81cents per acre and was knocked down to Hank Karrels, who had the previous lease and owns the fence. Other prominent men attended the sale were Will Burke of Deermont and R. Anderson of 4-Mile and leased 2 sections.
March 13, 1924
The little Boyer girl, who was badly cut in the face on the barbed wire fence while coasting down the hill, is back in school again after an absence of 2 weeks.
Mrs. C. J. Tucker was hostess last Thursday afternoon to the Neighborhood Home Club at her home near Willow Creek, southeast of Newell. The ladies of that neighborhood have organized this club for the promotion of good fellowship and to awaken a keener interest for community welfare. The members greatly enjoyed this meeting. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess during the afternoon.
C. E. Boinott took out another load of freight, Sunday for F. A. Busse at the Twilight Store, also a new kitchen range for Mrs. Henry Wahlfeldt.
All drivers and owners of automobiles in Butte County are hereby notified that 1924 license plates must be on all cars in this county by Thursday, March 20. Anyone found driving a car in the county without a 1924 license plate after that date will be arrested. All Deputy Sheriffs in the county will be notified to strictly enforce this. Under this direct authority of Arthur Lefors, Butte County Sheriff.
March 15, 1934
A group of 15 industrious young workers of the Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation met at the home of Rev. Stensland last Thursday after school. They gained 4 new members, as follows: Martha Larson; Merva Niva: Mrs. Mix and Mrs. Stensland. The following officers were chosen: President Vera Timm; Vice President Margaret Carlson; Secretary Cecelia Brekenfeldt and Treasurer Clara Oksol. After the bisness meeting and program a lunch was served by hostess Mrs. Stensland.
A pistol shooting range has been installed in the east wing basement of the White House. Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt, who is well versed in pistol shooting, will test her aim in target practice in competition with Secret Service members.
A 1000- chick oil burning brooder for $12.75 and a 500-chick oil burning brooder for $11.75 can be purchased at Brattons’ Mercantile. Just in a fresh shipment of Purina Chick Starter can be purchased at O. Christopherson Newell Elevator. Get rid of roosters unless you plan to hatch your own chicks. The feed situation is tight and roosters eat feed which should go to egg-layers or chicks.
March 16, 1944
Snow-packed ranges and blocked roads leave stockmen helpless. Livestock situation is acute as blizzardy conditions continue. An Army rotary arrived in Newell last night from Nebraska and left this morning on State Highway 79 for Castle Rock, Hoover and Govert. It will continue into Perkins County and on north to the State Line. Another rescue Army plow is expected here soon.
Charles Lawell and Joe Torres, both of Newell, pleaded guilty before Justice J. G. Hartwell yesterday to a charge of disorderly conduct by fighting. They were fined $25 and $15 in costs and sentenced to 30 days in jail. The term and fine were suspended. The men were charged with fighting and throwing a bottle through the window of the Price Drug Store. One combatant threw the bottle and missed his opponent and hit the window. They are ordered to pay costs of the window. The complaint was signed by John W. Price owner.
A Model “T” Ford built in 1900 and described by its owner as in tip-top shape, was licensed at Lawrence County seat by Ernest Matthiesen of Spearfish. The car was one of the first 100,000 made by Ford and engine NO 91515 and weighs 1,500 pounds. It is one of the combination car and pickup trucks made by Ford that year and has been in use for 36 continuous years. The car was licensed in North Dakota last year and driven to Spearfish by Mr. Matthiesen.
March 18, 1954
Newell next week will become the smallest city in the US offering the public the new dimensional photographic marvel, Cinema-Scope, and it will also be the smallest city in the US with stereophonic sound, which blends vision, sound and color without the use of glasses. “The Robe”, produced by Frank Ross and directed by Henry Koster, starring Richard Burton, Jean Simmons, Victor Mature and Michael Rennie and a cast of thousands. It will be showing all week and 2 shows on Sunday. Regular scheduled cinemascope films booked, include “How to Marry a Millionaire”; “Beneath the 12-Mile Reef”; “The Command”; “King Of the Khyber River”; “Hell and High Water” and many more outstanding films.
Members of the Congregational Fellowship are having Diminishing Teas as a means of raising money for the Placerville Kitchen Project. Among the hostesses who have had teas are: Mrs. David Richards; Mrs. Earl Jones; Mrs. Ernest Smeenk; Mrs. Horace Parsons and Mrs. Oscar Milberg.
A final appeal was sounded at Newell this week for contributions to the 1954 American Red Cross drive now nearing a close. Wherever disaster strikes or wherever there is a need for aid or training to alleviate death or suffering, the Red Cross is at work. In the Newell territory, only $365 has been received to Tuesday of this week, an amount far below the quota of $800. Our area is usually “over the top” early in the annual drive.
March 12, 1964
Members of the IOTA Chapter of Kappa Delta Gamma who attended the supper and meeting for retired teachers at the Corral Room of the First National Bank in Belle Fourche Friday were: Mesdames Elsie Wood; Evelyn Spencer; Mabel Spencer and Ruby Johnson. Guests who accompanied them were: Mrs. Frances Palmer and Mrs. Doris Shipley both of Newell.
Mrs. George Erk and boys of Castle Rock and Robbie Ruff of Vale were Saturday afternoon guests of Mrs. Dave Ruff, rural Vale. Other guests were Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruff and Mr. & Mrs. Dempsey Fenner and Suzanne of Newell. Mrs. Erk and boys and Robbie were overnight guest of Mrs. Ruff.
Doug Lange, Newell High School sophomore and son of Mr. & Mrs. Ted Lange became the second member of that family to become a Golden Glover and win a State Amateur Boxing Championship, when he disposed of 3 of his opponents on knockouts at the State Tournament at Miller Friday and Saturday. Two other Newell boys, Greg Sundstrom and Keith Schuelke and Roger Overacre of Faith, who boxes on the Newell squad, were also contestants. Miller won the team title in the State meet scoring 14 points; Redfield 7; Rapid City 6; Newell 4; Mobridge and Sioux Falls 3 each and Kadoka and Huron 2 each. Don Moore and Lorman Lange are our local coaches. Spectators Mr. & Mrs. Sam Sundstrom, Mud Butte, Mr. & Mrs. Pete Fiscus and sons; Mr. & Mrs. Pat Wyant, Kenneth Sundstrom and Ted Lange traveled to Miller for the event.
Toastmasters Edward Breidenbach, Duane Friez and Lyn Gladstone were named as finalist by their club to compete in the Annual Speech Contest to be held in Belle Fourche on April 14. Toastmistress’s chosen to represent the ladies wing of the club are: Mrs. Matt Klinker; Mrs. Duane Friez and Mrs. Myrtle Wilson.