NEWELL-Business at the March meeting of Newell Commissioners was quickly handled. Two building permits were approved. One for 321 Elmira for fence and the renewal for the Tiny House permit at 601 E 6th St.
New residents have moved into the house on Elmira and desire to build a four-foot metal fence around the area.
The owners of the Tiny House on 6th St. are still in the process of moving things around and working on the new building. They were given another six months to complete the work.
There has been a problem with the POS at the City Bar and Liquor Store. The interest rate for the system is higher than the majority of other companies and the City is looking at a cheaper rate program. There has been a problem with access to the present program which makes it difficult to get information. The commissioners approved authorization for Business Manager Sheila Smith to change the card company.
Smith was also given permission by the commissioners to access various bank account information.
Linda Velder, Museum Curator, wrote a letter informing the commission that there is a problem with people not picking up after their pets. She sent a photo showing the mess left near the Wetz School steps. Apparently, the dog uses the area often. She asked if a notice can be placed on the water bills for patrons to pick up after their pets.
The Newell Bar continues to do well. Total sales in February were $41,734.98 compared to $34,852.66 in 2023. Total expenses for February were $16,875.06 compared to $16,481.38 in 2023. The net profit for February 2024 was $8,448.31, in 2023 it was $3,745.65.
Public Works Superintendent Larry Parker submitted his resignation effective April 30, 2024. He has worked for the department for 13 years. In his resignation letter, Parker states “I am proud of the contributions we have made together to enhance the community’s infrastructure.” He is thankful for the opportunities and experiences provided during his time at Public Works.
The city will advertise for a Public Works Maintenance Worker as a full-time position. The applicant is responsible for performing maintenance in the public works departments including streets and alleys, snow removal, irrigation system, water, wastewater, sanitation, parks and cemetery. Applications can be picked up at 101 E. 3rd St., between the hours of 10 and 3 Monday through Friday and at the website at [email protected].
City Clean-up Week was set for May 4-9 this year. Use of the city’s rubble site will be free. Anyone who wishes to have the city crew pick up goods, must call the city office to get on the list. Items must be set at the curb for pick-up. White goods (washers, dryers, refrigerators, etc.) will be charged a $5 per item fee. Any item with Freon must be certified free of Freon.
The next Newell Town meeting will be Monday, April 8 at 5 p.m.