Even though several Butte County citizens had strong opinions against the renewal of GLP Custer Manufacturing and Cultivation, the Butte County Commissioners approved operations for another year at the October 3 meeting.
During the September 19 meeting, Sue Broadhurst had found that Rod Woodruff, a principle member of GLP Custer and listed on the Board, had requested his name be removed by the Assessor’s Office as Occupied Status. During the October 3 meeting, she pointed out that the application for renewal of the Permit to Operate must be done within 30 days of the anniversary date the permit to operate was issued. Since the application had not been approved within that time frame, the commissioners should deny renewal. She noted that GLP Custer should begin the application process again.
Mike Green, a dispensary owner in Rapid City and Deadwood, explained that although he was not part of GLP Custer, he is associated with two of the owners and wanted to clear up some of the information in the document presented to the commission. GLP Custer does have an officer that is a Butte County resident. Lisa Waverly is the secretary of the business is on the Board of GLP Custer. He also pointed out that eight out of ten employees are Butte County residents.
On October 3, Travis Ismay had several items concerning the renewal of GLP Custer licenses. He showed that Rod Woodruff was in violation of County Ordinance 2021-02, Section 4(2) by falsely verifying his residence on his application. He added that any person “who knowingly submits false records or documentation required by the department to certify a medical cannabis establishment under this chapter is guilty of Class 6 felony. Consisting of up to two years imprisonment and $4000 in fines or up to one year in county jail.” “At the very least,” he said, “Mr. Woodruff should be stripped of his license, and made to reapply under the new ordinance regulations.”
There had been the decision made at the September 5 regular commission meeting to deny the application and there was no decision made during the September 19 meeting. When discussion was held during the October 3 meeting, following Executive Session with Legal Counsel, Commissioner James Ager brought out that although the principle officers were not Butte County residents, the secretary is listed in the body of the application. He admonished the owners of GLP Custer to “tidy up” the application to make it clear that there is a board member from the county. He also said that he was not able to go into all the contents of the application because it is protected by the State.
A roll call vote was taken with Commissioner Chad Erk with the only “Nay” vote. State’s Attorney LeEllen McCartney gave the commissioners a summary of offenses that occurred during the last quarter. A rising trend was seen in several areas, including Simple Assault, Disorderly Conduct, Violation of Protective Order or Bond Condition, Possession of Controlled Substance, Driving While Intoxicated (which includes alcohol or drugs), Zero Tolerance DUI (underage), Possession of Paraphernalia, Ingestion of Marijuana, Possession of Marijuana, Underage Use of Tobacco, and Assault of Law Enforcement.
Auditor Annie Capp reported on the findings of a study done on county government funding and services. Several items will be sent to the state for legislation. Some of the highlights include allowing counties to impose an administrative/service fee for collecting and distributing property taxes, Veteran Service Offices will be state funded, there will be an upper limit on public defender costs of $10,000. Also, the counties will receive 50% of alcohol beverage taxes instead of 25%. The counties will not be held liable for road maintenance if the road district fails to maintain roads and several other items. Capp also reported that she has been part of a meeting with the State Board of Elections and is gearing up for the upcoming elections.
Sheriff Lamphere reported on the latest discussions of the Building Committee. The old Shopko building has another interested party in purchasing the building. At this time, he said, the County is not in the position to purchase the building and so it is important to address the present building. He said that the first thing to speak to is the HVAC system, then proceed to other areas that need repairs. The commission authorized a letter of support of RCALF and the sheep industry.
Michelle May, Butte County Extension, handed in her resignation at the September 19 meeting that will be effective October 31.
The next regular commission meeting will be October 17 at 1 p.m. in the Butte County Courthouse.