WIT Coalition
Too Good For Drugs is an Evidence Based Curriculum that Sabrina was able to bring into the Newell Middle School Students this semester.
Students are taught to live safe, healthy and drug-free lives. The Too Good For Drugs (TGFD) program introduces and reviews a series of skills to prepare children to make healthy choices and resist unhealthy behaviors I life. Effective
prevention education depends on the school, the family and the community to reinforce the skills and concepts taught in the program. There are worksheets for the students to take home and study with their parents about also, so we all work to make the students live healthy.
The class was brought in one day a week and also had special presenters that helped enhance the message of being drug and alcohol free. Presenters brought in were: joe Guttierez, Commander with the Western SD Juvenile Service Center, Hollis Strand, Forensic Examiner with the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC), Pennington County Sheriff’s Office and Jason McGough with the “Road Show” through the Clinical Lab of the Black Hills.
The 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes finished up with the class and received Certificate of Completion at the end of April 2024. Topics discussed were: Goal Setting, Consequences, Decision Making, Anxiety-Calming Effects, Being Assertive v.s.
Aggressive, Peer Pressure, Brain Function, Persuasive Advertising, Truth about Alcohol, Stages of Addiction, Dangers of Tobacco Use, and other drugs.
Mr. Scott Wince helped out with this class as part of his Physical Education Class as the students need to know how to make healthy and wise live choices.
Comments from Students:
I liked the class and learned a lot about how drugs and alcohol can effect our life.
For very action there is a reaction. The choices you make effect others also, so make your ripple effect a positive one. I love having all of the speakers come in, I learned something from everyone of them.
I learned more about setting goals and how to work towards meeting them.
I liked that we learned how to be there for a friend that may need help to quit vaping or not to start.
I was gross but interesting to see the items from the Road Show/Insides of bodies and what drugs does to it.
I learned how Big Tobacco/Drug/Alcohol companies advertise to youth—they don’t care about a us as money is more important to them.