February 26, 1914
The Literary meeting at the Langdon School was well attended. A good program was offered. The question debated: Resolved that the cow is more valuable that the horse. For Affirmative: Ira Shaw and Christy Sorenson and for the Negative: Chester Jenks and Harris Blakely. The discussion was given to the negative side. The meeting was followed by a basket social, the proceeds of which will be used to purchase an organ for the school. The next meeting will be held at the Riverside School house on February 26th. A mock trial will be a feature of the program. All are cordially invited to attend.
February 21, 1924
In a letter received from Darrell Jones, Stoneville, who is attending Agriculture College at Brookings, he states many of the students have had to quit school on account of the bank failures. The Bank of Brookings closed its doors awhile ago, making 2 such failures in Brookings in one month.
Considerable excitement has been caused here this week by the rumor that troops had been ordered to Ft. Meade and that they would report on April 6th. According to have been in circulation, the troops are to come from El Paso, Texas, 365 horses and 400 men constituting the force which is to be stationed here. The rumor evidently started at Ft. Meade by some people there, that orders had been received relative to work being done there in preparation for the arrival of the troops and requisitions for supplies for expected force.
Horse Creek and Indian Creek have been out of their banks this week. The ice going out has put several bridges out of commission. The Belle Fourche River is still badly jammed at the Tommy Brown Bridge, but apparently the bridge is in no danger. It is also reported that the Moreau Bridge on the highway north of Castle Rock is again impassable since the floods of last week.
February 22, 1934
The US Experiment Farm at Newell will continue to operate after July 1, is indicated in a telegram received Wednesday from Washington, DC from Congressman Theo B. Werner, who advises that the appropriations for the operation of the farm has been restore by the Sub Committee and has also been approved by the Appropriations Committee, Congressman Werner has given much time and effort to saving the Newell Station and he has been successful is much appreciated by his constituents in the West River Country. It is quite likely improvements at the farm, approved some time ago, will now go forward. Among the work was drilling of an artesian well and the building of machine sheds.
Dr. Clark reports that up to the present time he has inoculated 57 children against diphtheria. Dr. Clark has a fresh supply of toxin antitoxin and is prepared to immunize your children against diphtheria with one dose. The Newell Hospital is a licensed Maternity Home. Write for rates or call on Miss Nina Carlson, Registered Nurse in charge.
Art Nelson of Dupree had a thrilling experience recently when driving his car to Newell. He was using distillate in the radiator which, before he got here, became so hot it burst into flames, melting the radiator, destroying the wiring, breaking the glass and doing other damage. Mr. Nelson was able to extinguish the fire before it got beyond control in the body of the car.
February 24, 1944
Next Tuesday evening, the Newell Rebekah Lodge will give a Leap Year Party at the IOOF Hall. There will be good entertainment features and lunch will be served. All Odd Fellows and their wives and Rebekahs and their husbands are invited to attend. Any single Rebekah can invite any single Odd Fellow to the party. At the regular meeting of the Rebekahs, Tuesday evening, Mrs. Wm Warren and Mrs. Walter Harman gave a program on “Our Flag” in memory of George Washington. Lunch was served by Mildred Gadsden and Martha Conner.
Eleven members of Circle 3 met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. J. Smith. Mrs. O. A. Garness, Mrs. J. C. Brodsky, Mrs. Glenn Van Vactor and Mrs. Mary Meidel were guests. A program of “Stories of Bible Women” under direction of Mrs. Edgar Anderson was much enjoyed, as were the tasty refreshment in the February theme, served by the hostess.
The end of February is moving time for many tenant lessee farmers and truck owners and Joe L. Nelson, local C.F.T.C. Chairman, warns that they must notify the District Office of Defense Transportation of their change of address so that their records can be straightened out, thus preventing delays in obtaining new gasoline allotments. This information will enable proper action to be taken on any possible re-distribution of tires and gasoline, so that all certificates can be honored as quickly as possible after issuance.
February 25, 1954
Twelve couples were present for the annual Aladdin Club Valentine party, held on Saturday evening at the L. C. Williamson home. Alarm-club Canasta was played at 6 tables, with prized going to Mrs. Roy Wood and Mr. Williamson for high scores and to Mrs. Preston Hill and Donald Scoggins for low. At the close of the evening a lunch of sandwiches, pie and coffee was enjoyed by the group.
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kayras drove to Rapid City Tuesday to take Alfreda to the Doctor for a check-up. Mrs. Kayras reports their youngest daughter is in the hospital suffering from flu and gland trouble.
Paul Wiest, Newell Postmaster whose hobbies include golf and bowling, received national recognition the past week, when a form he devised was approved by the American Bowling League, he composed a form and submitted it to the American Bowling Congress for official approval. The form, a standard “Declaration of Averages”, is of a type to be submitted by bowlers when entering tournaments and is designed to make it easy for bowlers to furnish composite averages and at the same time relieve city associations and league secretaries of considerable extra detailed work.
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Chauncey of New Town, North Dakota are visiting this week at the home of her parents Mr. & Mrs. L. L. Erk. Mrs. Chauncey attended the bridal shower for Mary Klein at the Newell City Hall. Other out of town guests were: E. Werlinger and Mrs. Dick Henzlick of Rapid City, Mrs. Albert Einfeldt of Deadwood, Miss Violet Larive of St. Onge in addition to Mrs. Chauncey. Hostess for the affair were Mrs. Alfred Silvernagle and Mrs. George Erk. Miss Klein is to become the bride of John Erk.
February 20, 1964
Marvin Twombley of Vale had the honor of setting the first 1964 South Dakota fishing record. Twombley landed a record 15.2 ounce yellow perch while ice fishing at Orman Reservoir, January 28. There had been no previous record in the category. The female perch with eggs was 12.2 inches long and 8.1 inches around at the widest portion of its body. Twombley used a minnow for bait and a casting outfit.
Five Newell boys escaped injury when the car in which they were riding overturned along a gravel road north of Newell Sunday afternoon and was badly damaged. The mishap occurred about 3:30 PM on the road past the old KLT Ranch. The 1960 Rambler driven by David Alden skidded on the loose gravel, hit a bridge and overturned. The vehicle owned by M.O. Alden was damaged, top, sides and fenders were damaged and its windshield was shattered. Young Alden’s companions were: Ron Varland; Doug Lang; Tim Vasknetz and Jack McDermott who suffered no apparent injuries.
The cast of the Broadway hit of Guys & Dolls to be presented at BHTC on March 5–6 has been announced by the Theater Arts Department. Included in the cast is Terry Pickard of Newell, among the chorus-line girls.
March 4, 1914
Ali Reed of Vale, editor of “Call to Action” a publication devoted to good roads was a Spearfish visitor last week, his special mission being to urge upon citizens and taxpayers the necessity for building more and better roads.
A deal has been made in which the J. F. Anderson and the Peter Mintener Lumber Company have been over the lots belonging to the Montgomery Lumber Company and the latter has agreed not to re-engage in the lumber business in Newell. George Brandenburg, the local manager, has been given the management of the Montgomery Company’s yards at Winner and will depart soon to take charge of the business there.
On Friday evening, March 20, the Owl Creek and Arpan Literary Clubs will hold a joint debate at the Arpan Hall. Subject: Resolved, that the money spent on the US Navy could be better spent on pubic improvements. Dancing and refreshments after the debate.
February 28, 1924
D. Duer informs us that a deal was made on Thursday, whereby Jake Snyder becomes the owner of the Duer Cement Block building on Main Street in Nisland. Joe says he is going to sell his stock of groceries, move out on his north ranch and raise beets.
James and Lawrence Rowan were on the sick list this week and forced to miss school. Little Clarence Milberg is another victim of the whooping cough and Paul Staiger is suffering from an attack of the flu.
March 1, 1934
The political situration in Butte County is warming up as the time approaches for the filing of nomination petitions and prospects are that May Primaries will see a large number of candidates out for public office. M. E. Hafner, Newell, State Representative has not made official announcement, but petitions on the Democratic ticket are in circulations. From this area running is: Frank Doud for Butte County Sheriff; Sheriff A. C. Craven as yet has not announced whether he will be a candidate for Sheriff or not.
You can now buy the famous Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand Coffee at the Corner Store or go to Bratton’s to buy old York Coffee at 30 cents per pound. Never before was such a good coffee sold at such low prices.
March 2, 1944
Neil Simpson of Deadwood, president of the State Junior Chamber of Commerce, visited in Newell Saturday evening and formally presented the Newell organization with a Charter, showing its affiliation with the state organization. About 15 other Jaycee’s and their wives from Lead and Rapid City were present for the occasion and all remained for the dancing party late into the evening. The local Jaycee’s also entertained their guests at a midnight luncheon before departing.
Neighbors of Mr. & Mrs. Henry Herman honored them with a farewell party at the Wm Ernest home Saturday evening. Cards were played and the guests of honor were presented with a pieced quilt top which featured each neighbor’s name. Lunch was served at a very late hour. Others present were Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stonelake, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Luft, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Viken and Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Keene.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ehleringer was guests at a farwell party Thursday evening at the Woodman Hall in Vale. Mr. & Mrs. Ehleringer left Sunday for Sturgis, where they will reside for a time. They have sold their farm to the Arthur Wood family.
March 4, 1954
Movies of the 1953 World Series will be shown in Newell next Thursday evening at the City Hall; it was announced by Dan Wiest President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The films shown are under sponsorship of Jaycees and all are invited to attend. No admission will be charged and women will be as welcome as men, ranchers as welcome as businessmen, young and old, Wiest added.
Game Biologists from State Game, Fish & Parks Department is transplanting wild turkeys in areas outside the Black Hills, Game Director Elmer Peterson announced this week. So far, 85 turkeys have been transported at 11 sites, including the Cheyenne River Breaks north of Wasta; the Cedar Pass and Reva Gap in Slim Buttes and O’Reilly’s Pass in North Cave Hills. The present wild turkey population is estimated at 3,000 in the Black Hills. The first planting of turkeys was in 1948, with 8 birds from New Mexico; 1950 12 birds from Colorado and 1951 6 birds again from New Mexico were released.
The Secretary of the South Dakota Historical Society, who is also Superintendent of the State’s Department of History, is the only State official in South Dakota not appointed by an elective officer of the Legislature. Will G. Robinson, State Historian, said the Historical Society of Dakota was organized in December 1863; in 1889, when South Dakota became a state, the records of organization were left at Bismarck; in 1901, the State Legislature provided that the South Dakota Historical Society become a permanent part of State Government. There are yearly membership dues; the group’s members elect an Executive Committee, which in turn, elects the Chairman and Secretary, thus the Department is wholly independent.
February 27, 1964
Mrs. Gordon Bonestell was hostess to members of the Newell Garden Club Friday afternoon at her home at which time Mrs. O. E. Milberg read and demonstrated on the care of azaleas. Members discussed last year’s flower show and suggestions for more community participation. Disscuion was held on having an antique show in conjunction with this year’s show. Plans were furthered for having a Nativity scene in the City Park over the Christmas holidays and on material to be used for same. Lunch was served by the hostess using a patriotic theme. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Harold Jensen, March 27, at which time members are asked to bring a plant slip or a packet of seeds for exchange.
Department of Agriculture officials will take steps to begin work on improving the road to the Newell Field Station, when cost estimates are completed Senator Karl E. Mundt told The Valley Irrigator today. Mundt has obtained $15,000 for the project through an Amendment he submitted in the State Appropriations Committee. Preliminary specifications pertaining to county Secondary roads in South Dakota have been obtained from the South Dakota Highway Department. At present the engineers are preparing an estimate of the cost to improve the road in accordance with minimum specifications.
Mr. & Mrs. George Erk and family were Thursday evening dinner guest at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Dan Olson, honoring George on his birthday. Later guests were Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeJaeger, Susan Verhulst, George and Jean DeJaeger and Harry Lindulla. The evening was spent playing cards with, Mrs. Louis DeJaeger winning high prize. After card play, the traditional cake and ice cream was served. We wish George many more birthdays.