NEWELL- The 2023 year closed for the town of Newell at the December 29, 2023 meeting with supplemental appropriations being approved for 2023 and bid selection for the Water Distribution/Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project decided. Short and to the point, the city commissioners handled the business at hand with quick decisions.
Appropriations were set for Solid Waste, $13,000; Government Buildings, $8,000; Snow Removal, $3,300; Participant Recreation, $1,000; Museum, $2,250; Promoting the City, $4,000; Transfers Out, $3,200. Eighty-five thousand dollars was moved from Capital Outlay Account to add to the state grant of $22,500 for the Newell Fire Department. The money will be used for new FFE for the department.
Bids were received from three companies for the Water and Sewer Main Replacement which is part of the Water Distribution/Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project. The bids ranged from $1,657,754.45 to $2,808,131.75. As the lowest bid, LIDEL from Sioux Falls was awarded the project. LIDEL was also recommended by Brosz Engineering. There will be additional costs to BH Energy for the lift station
Brosz Engineering has stated that they would like to start the project in January 2024.
Several other items were set for the first meeting in 2024. The interior ladder of the water tower needs repair and will need done in the summer of 2024. The ice machine needs replaced and Liquor Store manager Barney Barnes will research options and make a decision.
Museum Curator Linda Velder has received a grant from South Dakota Community Foundation for the Newell Museum.
The next regular meeting will be January 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm.