Sign up for a FREE 30-day trial of LocalSuperfan and be automatically entered into the
$2,000 Belle Bonanza Shopping Spree!
Here is a list of the prizes which will be given away in our drawing coming up soon. (We are adding more all the time)
Lynns Dakotamart $250 gift card
Cowboys Too! $100 gift card
Stadium Sports Grill $50 gift card
Stereos ‘N Stuff $100 gift card
Petes Clothing & Hodge Bootery $100 gift card
Dakota Lumber $100 Gift card
Leuders Food Center $50 gift card
Crossroads Restaurant $25 gift card
Graps Burgers & Brews $25 gift card
South Side Conoco $50 gift card (2 winners)
Green Bean Coffeehouse $25 gift card (4 winners)
8th Avenue Bakery $25 gift card (2 winners)
Masons 5th Ave. & Buckstop Outdoor Sports$50 gift card (2 winners)
Olive Branch $50 gift card
Denim & Lace $100 gift card
Cowboys Too $50 gift card
Lynns Dakotamart $25 gift card
Posy Palace $25 gift card
Hersruds of Belle free oil, lube filter
Lynns Dakotamart, Smoke Hollow electric smoker
and more coming!
How do I sign up?
Click below. No credit card needed.
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When you sign up you’ll be given 32 credits in your brand new account to shop for deals in the Belle Fourche LocalSuperfan marketplace, or any other LocalSuperfan marketplace!
If you decide to join it is just $8.48/ month plus tax. You’ll get 32 credits each month to shop for deals which our local businesses are providing to you all the time.
There is no obligation and you can cancel or suspend your account at any time.
We want to deliver VALUE to you while helping you support our LOCAL Belle Fourche businesses!