Meade County News

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It couldn’t have been a more beautiful day on Sunday afternoon for any outdoor event. A baby shower for both guys and gals took place on Sunday at noon in Sturgis.  It was held at the Brewery and was an indoor/outdoor event.  The theme was to show up in costume for those who chose to do so. The shower was for Reggie and Jenny (Bruch) Rhoden’s baby boy who has not arrived yet. All kinds of family and friends showed up including Mother Nature, Snow White’s sisters, a flower child from the 60s, a scarecrow, fairies, princesses, Harry Potter, witches and more.  Some games with prizes were played and food was served. Casey and Francie Brink, Larry and Sandy Rhoden and many more showed up for the fun event. Francie Brink won the first prize given out in the diaper drawing. The garage doors opened to the lush green yard and patio for visiting and for kids to play.  Baby boy Rhoden is expected to arrive in January.  Paige (Brink) and Nick Fees are expecting their first child as well shortly after the Baby Boy Rhoden enters the world. So some special celebration is coming for the families in January!


The Rural Meade County Ambulance met recently to honor and thank Tanner Simons for his service on the board of directors. They welcomed the newest board member, Savana Johnston to the board and look forward to working with her on the board. She is the daughter of Sam and Cary Johnston of Elm Springs.  The Rural Meade Ambulance has worked hard and fought to keep their service to our community, so if you are prompted to help them out by sending a donation you can send it to Rural Meade Ambulance, Box 54, Enning, SD 57737.  We are very thankful to those who serve on the board and as EMTs.  If you are interested in becoming an EMT you may speak with Neoma Richter, Gina Hoffman, Teresa Hale, or anyone who serves on the board.


If you haven’t registered to vote as of Monday, October 21 it will be too late to vote in this November 5 General Election, unless one is already registered. It is a crucial time to vote in South Dakota with so many ballot measures that will change our state as we know it.  It is important to know what the outcome will be for each ballot measure and what it means for our state.  So go to a meeting, talk to someone who knows the measures, or look them up online at the Secretary of State’s website to be an informed voter. Some bills sound like a good thing for South Dakota but can have unintended or unknown consequences, and then it’s too late. We are in hopes that the common sense of west river South Dakotans will have an impact on the results.


Something that happens every year but is still in quite the distant future is the Women’s and Girls’ Winter Retreat.  For those who are interested you may mark your calendars for February 21-22, 2025.


Cammie (Labrier) and Dan Freed ended their New England vacation early to go and help with the Tennessee and North Carolina recovery efforts in Irwin, Tennessee. They are providing the many needs for folks including, food, clothes, blankets, heaters, baby formula and endless needed items. Cammie’s parents, Wes and Sue Labrier, are in the Union Center area for a time before they head for warmer climate when the winter gets close. We enjoy having them back in Union Center.