October 29, 1914
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Brandner of Winner have been visiting town for nearly a week. Mrs. Brandner has the distinction of being the first lady resident of Newell when Montgomery Lumber Yard burned out last winter. Mr. Brandner was transferred to Winner. Mr. Brandner always had great faith in this part of Butte County and now that he has been away for several months, he is more enthusiastic than ever and predicts it is going to make wonderful advancement in the next few years.
South Dakota State vs Redwater Irrigation Association is up in court: It is charged that the Redwater Association failed to put fish screens in their headgates as provided by law. Also, in Fall Court Case; State vs J. B. Case et al. this suit growing out of the difference between Red Water Association and the ditch owners taking water from below the Redwater Association ditch on Red Water. It is charged that those owning the lower ditch attempted to destroy property belonging to the Redwater Association.
McDonough & Bushnell have just completed a water system on the J. T. Craig Ranch. Southwest of Newell. They opened up a spring and pumped the water to the house, darns and sheep pens. Galvanized stock tanks may be purchased or made to order by McDonough & Bushnell, Plumbing.
October 23, 1924
In looking over some old records of the office the other day, Postmaster Elmer Hill discovered that the first Money Order in the Newell Post Office was issued to Dr. A. H. Rogers on October 4, 1910. N. M. Bratton was Postmaster at that time and the office was situated on the Old Townsite.
The official proceedings of the Board of Education of Vale Independent Consolidated School District No 20 at 8:00 PM, Adjourned meeting due no Quorum was present. September 26, 1924, the President therefore adjourned the meeting to September 29 when all members could be present. Clerk L. L. Bennett and Treasurer. E. A. Ritter was hired as conductor of the school orchestra to teach it 2 nights a week at $250 per month and Tuition of $75 for Nellie Seitz was approved to attend Second Semester of High School in Newell.
Everyone is cordially invited to attend a Hallowe’en program and box social which will be held at the Plainview School house on Saturday evening, November 1st. Program will start at 8:00 prompt. Coffee and Kool-Aid will be served so everyone please be provided with a drinking cup.
November 1, 1934
The voting place for Newell Independent Precinct has been changed to the Vik Building, across the street from the White Eagle Service Station. This change was made necessary when the Buedel Building was torn down this week. Voters for Newell Independent will therefore cast their ballots in the Vik Building while the City Electors will vote in Judge Goff’s office.
The equipment of the Newell Fire Department is now in excellent condition since the addition this week of 2 new chemical tanks, each of 40-gallon capacity. The new tanks arrived a few days ago and will be placed on a truck chassis, similar to the one used for a hose cart. The chemical tanks were purchased after special requirements had been made by the Inspection Bureau of the Stock Fire Insurance Company.
August Schedwin reported that he almost had an accident recently while driving on the highway south of Newell. Mr. Schedwin states he met a beet truck and the long chain hanging loose at the sides of the truck grazed the side of his car narrowly missed striking the windshield. These chains, of course, are a necessity on beet trucks, but Mr. Schedwin suggests that a possible accident might be avoided if the drivers of beet trucks would fasten the loose ends.
October 19, 1944
Eleven ladies represented the local Congregational Ladies Aid at a meeting last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Noble Rose near Arpan. The Newell ladies presented the program and lesson that afternoon. After a prayer, Mrs. Rose served a tasty lunch at the close of the meeting.
Get your stove before winter: Enar Muotka has 2 large size floor furnaces, suitable for large homes or schoolhouses, priced to sell. And the Newell Implement Company now has in stock a supply of Warm Morning heating stoves. These can be bought without a certificate after October 15.
Mrs. Carl Settle of Sulphur returned home Friday night after having attended the Grand Chapter sessions of Eastern Star at Mitchell. Mrs. Art E. Thompson returned Tuesday evening from Mitchell where she also attended the OES Grand Chapter. Mr. Thompson and son Terry met her in Rapid City.
October 28, 1954
Part of the history of one of Newell’s oldest business structures as remodeling operations were started last week. The E. J. Erdman Apartment building will be completely modernized according to Erdman. Built by N. M. Bratton about 43 years ago, was Newell’s first implement building and was used in connection of selling McCormick-Deering farm machinery. It was purchased by Sam H. Bober as a warehouse and storage for seed and feed and later being remodeled to an apartment building. The old tin siding and roofing is also to be removed and sided and roofed with asphalt shingles. Erdman purchased the building 8 years ago and has improved a number of apartments and will continue to make improvements and modernized by installing water and plumbing facilities to all apartments.
Children’s Annual Hallowe’en Party sponsored by Newell Community Club and Jaycees this Sunday evening, October 31 at 7:00 PM at Newell City Hall. A Cartoon Carnival film to be shown, talent and costume contests and $25 in prizes. Plus free treats for all children.
The Castle Rock bowlers came to Newell Friday night and bowled the Newell Plumbers. No “bragging rights” have emerged as we go to print.
October 22, 1964
Marvin Fenton of Nisland was elected President of the Butte County Farm Bureau at a meeting Tuesday evening in Nisland. Other officers named to serve with Fenton are Vice President Jerry Maruska; Secretary John Bentz Jr.; Treasurer Mrs. George Seieroe and Ruth Fenton named as Women’s Chairman. Fenton, Maruska and A. B. Clark were chosen as delegates to attend the Farm Bureau Convention in Huron November 8 -10. Rick and Randy Vallery and Eddie Kling, members of the Range Ramblers 4-H Club, exhibited their grass specimens on which they received a purple ribbon at the Butte County Fair. Mrs. Ione Shevling served lunch after adjournment.
Reed Lakman, Deputy State Fire Marshall, Sturgis and Alberta Follum, Butte County Superintendent of Schools visited all the rural schools of Butte County Thursday and Friday. Lakman checking all fire extinguishers, exits and storage. He also discussed fire drills with students and teachers and showed firefighting equipment. In those schools that had not been practicing drills, Mr. Lakman explained the proper procedure.
Tentative plans for the upcoming Jr. Miss Contest in which Newell and Vale Sr. girls have been invited to enter, were approved at the regular meeting of the Newell Community Club at the Tuesday noon luncheon at the Cove Café. A letter from Judy Milberg, Newell’s 1964 Jr. Miss now attending SD State University, commending the club for sponsoring the contest this year and offering whatever assistance she might lend. Next dinner meeting scheduled for evening on November 3rd in the Fellowship Room of the Congregational Church.