B’s Buzz

Newell News News


We are off to another week of calm chaos! Is that a conundrum or a riddle? Or is it an enigma? Or maybe a secret puzzlement? Whatever it is, that’s what the future looks like from this desk.

I am puzzled when I first began to put the Irrigator pages together. The past week had things going on that were newsworthy, but because of the chaos that life brings, I wasn’t able to cover any of it. Oh, bother! (as a Winnie the Pooh character said) why did the time go so fast?

The clock goes faster and faster, but my brain goes slower and slower. There is just no chance to catch up. So instead of fussing about it, I pulled the covers over my head and slept an extra 15 (that seemed like 10) and then began the day.

There always seems to be more to do than there is day to do it. The hurrier I go the behinder I get. So, what is the solution to this puzzle? Let us look at ways to handle the multitude of stuff that goes on in everyday life.

Let’s begin. First, take a deep breath and then exhale. Look around at the world around you. Messes, chaos, sticky floors, and clothes to wash? Maybe piles of paperwork and messages to return. Dirty dishes and little ones to hug. So many things to do!

Did you notice the scribbled paper that a preschooler left you? Did you almost miss the hug that was there? Birds singing and breezes in the bare branches-wonderful sounds if we listen.

Speaking of scribbled paper, I have some very small sticky notes that my four-year-old granddaughter gave me over 20 years ago. When I look at them, I remember a sweet face that was so excited to give me “love notes” that only she knew what they said. But with all of her heart she was telling me that she loved me. And I have watched her become into a loving, beautiful mom herself.

We don’t know how we will influence anyone in our lives. It could be with a sticky note or a hug as they walk by. It could be with a smile or words that tell that person they are special.

I have a special grandson who is now a teenager. He has his own pickup and helps out on the ranch. He really is a young man with plans. But you know what I see? A little boy whose hugs still fill me with joy! I call his hugs my energizer hugs. It doesn’t bother him to hug me and I look forward to them every time I see him.

I could go on about all of our grandchildren, each one is special. But I’ll save that for later. What I hope you see when there’s a puzzle or enigma or conundrum in your life, it’s the small things-like hugs and writings on a sticky note that are important. Keep those things in your heart and remember them in the midst of the chaos. Time goes much too fast to tell yourself “later, I’ll do it later.”

Here’s hugs to you across the keyboard. Hope your day is full of puzzles!