NEWELL- The Waste Water and Clean Water Projects are nearing completion with a total slightly over budget. However, according to Jennifer Sietsema from the BH Council of Local Governments the city is still sitting in “good position” with completion in the next week. Sietsema noted that the project was approximately $65,000 over budget but that Newell had noted that there were funds ready to be used. The grant program that funded most of the project has been used, with loan rates as low as 1.62%.
Mayor Tara Tennis added that she had also checked on grants to fund more ideas for improving the area.
Ryan Dennis appeared before the commission to ask for a zoning change for Lots 1,2,3 of Block 95 and Lots 5,6,7,8 of Block 96 from residential to general industrial. He plans to build a meat locker plant in the area that will serve the area residents and benefit local producers. Mayor Tennis explained that a notice must be published and public hearing held before the commission could finalize the zoning change.
Dennis also noted that he had changed his plans to put an incinerator at his present location on Third Street. He was approved to put in a large freezer behind the building. The freezer will be placed on a concrete pad.
Several items were addressed by Brian Gall concerning his building project on First and Howard. A fence line had been taken down and Gall desired to have the city replace the fence. Gall told the commissioners that he would furnish the fence posts if the city crew would furnish the labor and wire. The fence will be replaced after the area is surveyed.
The city will also remove two poles that are in the easement of Gall’s property. City Foreman Verl Tifft will contact BH Energy to disconnect power and possibly help remove the poles.
Gall also had questions about putting in irrigation on his property. The plan was tabled until next spring.
Linda Opstedahl had petitioned the commission to reimburse her for irrigation water she had been charged for. She stated that she did not own the property at the time and that it should not be her cost. However, according to Tifft she had been told that she could run a line from north of her property to her home which she had done. The commission denied her petition.
The commissioners tabled the petition of Russ Janssen who desired to change the zoning of property zoned light commercial to residential ag. There was some confusion as to the ownership of the property. Roy Berry had purchased the property from Economic Development and supposedly denied the ability to sell the property. A citizen from the crowd suggested that Janssen should contact the state economic development people in Pierre. They should have an explanation. Tennis said that it should be fully explored before any decision could be made.
Several citizens filed complaints against Feeding America distribution. The complaints centered around the traffic parked along First Street and blocking the driveways. It seems that people are lining up as early as 9:30 a.m. for the Noon distribution time. After several minutes of discussion, the commission decided that the best course would be to caution people to line up no earlier than an hour before distribution. The sheriff’s department will have more of a presence to see that traffic is not blocking driveways or other traffic. Also, if someone has a complaint they should contact the sheriff’s office.
Plans are being set up for the big Labor Day celebration in Newell beginning August 31. The Newell Fire Department will have the Annual BBQ on Saturday evening. The city is searching for someone to sell burgers and such beside the bar over the weekend. Several ideas were discussed from hiring someone to asking an organization.
Lorri Olson was approved to get a debit card for the library by a roll call vote of three ayes to two nays.
Following executive session, the commissioners voted to give Tifft a $3 per hour raise.