Three Newell School Board members took their oaths of office to begin the 2024-2025 school year. The oath was administered by Superintendent Dr. Pandi Pittman to Amber Erk, Kristin Bonefield, and Tyrel Bonnet.
NEWELL-The new school year has begun for the Newell School District with the installation of three board members, incumbent Tyrel Bonnet, newly elected board members Kristin Bonefield and Amber Erk. Superintendent Dr. Pandi Pittman administered the oath of office to begin the 2024-2025 school year.
Election of officers was held with Tyrel Bonnet elected as Chairman and Sara Brunner as Vice Chair.
Designations were set as follows:
Official Depository-First National Bank
Official Newspaper-BH Pioneer
Purchasing Agent-Superintendent
Administrator for Trust & Agency Account, School Lunch Fund-Business Manager
Administrator for State and Federal Application Reports-K-8 Principal
Day and Time for Board Meetings-Second Monday, 6 p.m., high school building
Meal Prices-Lunch-$3.25 (K-5), $3.75 (6-12), $5 (Adult), Second Entrée-$2.75, Extra Milk-$.75, Adult Salad Bar-$4.50, Breakfast-$2.50 (K-12), $3.50 (Adult), Milk-$.75
Title IX Coordinator-K-8 Principal, Title IX investigator-K-8 Principal, and Title Appellate decision maker-Superintendent
Set Lodging, Meals, and Mileage Rates-lodging-$133/ night. Meal Rates-Adults- Breakfast $6, Lunch $14, Supper $20. Students- Breakfast $5, Lunch $8, Supper $12. Mileage Rate-$.51 a mile with the exception Special Education out of district placement at IRS rate $.655.
Activity Tickets and Admission-Single Admission-$3 (K-12), $4 (Adult), Double Header- $4 (K-12), $6 (Adult). Activity Ticket-$30 (K-12), $50 (Adult), $100 (Family), Free (55+)
Transportation Fees for Co-Curricular Activities-$20 (Single Activity), $100 (Family Maximum).
Substitute pay was set at $100 (Non-Certified), $110 (Certified)
Bus Routes will remain the same as 2023-2024 school year.
Committees were also organized. Budget, Negotiations, and Insurance-Brianna Bonnet, Dean Johnson, and Sara Brunner; Building, Grounds & Transportation-Todd Youngberg, Dean Johnson, and Kristin Bonefield; Curriculum, Instruction, & Technology-Tyrel Bonnet, Amber Erk, and Sara Brunner; Legislation, Policy, & Marketing-Kristin Bonefield, Amber Erk, and Sara Brunner; Emergency Management-Todd Youngberg, Tyrel Bonnet, and Dean Johnson.
Approval was given for WIT Program to use a room in the school for activities. Football, Cross Country, and Volleyball rules were approved.
After extended discussion, the approval of the Student Handbook was voted on by a roll call vote. Amber Erk, Kristin Bonefield, and Sara Brunner voted Nay with Tyrel Bonnet, Todd Youngberg, Dean Johnson, and Brianne Bonnet voting Aye.
There were several questions concerning the handbook including closed campus, setting up a Privacy Bathroom, dress code, and eligibility.
Superintendent Pittman explained that although the students cannot leave campus, there will be an opportunity for them to go to the Middle School gym the last 10 minutes of the lunch period.
“Closed campus is to protect the kids,” said Pittman.
Salaries were approved for staff members and extracurricular coaches and supervisors’ agreements. The resignation of Heidi Perry, HS Math, was accepted.
The Board approved the concrete for handicapped parking and the football field bleacher pad from Boom Concrete for $12,098.52.
An Open House is planned for August 15, 5-7 p.m. for students and parents to meet teachers and check out the school.
The next regular board meeting will be August 12 at 6 p.m. in the high school.