Housing Complaints Bring Action

Newell News


NEWELL-There was a myriad of complaints on several residences in Newell by citizens at the regular city meeting July 8. A single complaint was made against the property at 305 Ash, however that property has been sold and the new owner has said he will demolish the old trailer house and clean up the property. There were five complaints filed against the property at 313 Third Street, ranging from a decaying foundation to possible rodent infestation and fire hazards.

Commissioner Allen Youngberg moved to take “immediate” action toward the Third Street residence. Mayor Tennis noted that correspondence had been sent June 2023, but there hadn’t been any follow through to this point. She had also sent a letter earlier this summer, but had not done it by Certified Mail. Tennis noted that another letter, by Certified Mail, would be sent the following day.

Mayor Tennis brought an email she had received from Greta Work, Community Development Specialist from BH Council of Local Governments, advising the town that the Sewer/Water project was $30,406.95 over budget. Work wanted to bring it to the attention of the Commission. The town will need to find funding to cover the amount.

The third payment was approved for the project in the amount of $271,472.08.

Public Works Superintendent, Verle Tifft, explained that anytime there is a Change Order extra expense could be incurred. He gave the example that as the construction was being done they found a water line that took a 90° jog. There are no blueprints or plans of water and sewer lines so there may be more surprises. Tifft said that when the project is done, there will be plans.

Tifft expounded on the repair and placement of a manhole south of the grocery store. There have been issues with the sewer in this area. The sewer line has been cleaned and another manhole will be placed about 200 ft. south of the existing manhole.

The commissioners discussed the need of a new server/computer for the city offices. Mayor Tennis explained that the present server will expire in January 2025 and cannot be upgraded. A new server would cost approximately $30,000 and needs to be added to the 2025 budget.

Mayor Tennis also discussed the need for a new air conditioner/heat in the upcoming year in the city offices. The present heat pump needs some repair and parts will be available for another year or so. It will cost somewhere between $10,000 and $14,000 to replace the unit. Another budget item to be added, she said.

There will be a Special Meeting to discuss the 2025 budget in the next couple of weeks.

During Citizens Comments, an idea was brought forward to try to get an organization or program that would help older or disabled people with keeping lawns mowed or yard work done. There are several youth organizations that could help and word will be spread to find help.

Another item of discussion was the quality of Newell streets. A citizen brought up an issue with the ambulance being able to get into the right place for the ambulance crew to load him.

“Just try to get a grader to smooth the streets,” he said.

The commissioners went into executive session to discuss the letter of intent to fill the vacant commissioner seat and to hire a Finance Officer, Finance Clerk, and Public Works Assistant.

A Finance Officer and Public Works Assistant were hired, but not a Finance Clerk. The position of a commissioner was tabled until the next meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Newell City Commission will be Monday, August 12 at 5 p.m.