New Flag Flies

Newell News News

NEWELL-There’s a new flag flying at Newell City offices. The flag and flag pole were donated by VFW Post 5807. The beautiful lamp post is adorned with a gold globe on top that is brightened by a circle of light. At night the flag will fly illuminated so that all can enjoy Old Glory even in the dark.

State VFW Commander David Baumiller explained that the resources were donated through funds received during the VFW convention. Nine thousand dollars was donated to the local VFW Post 5807. At the same time a raffle had been held that raised over $9,000 for Black Hills VA Homeless Vet Watch and $3,000 to the SD Service Dogs for Veterans.

Baumiller encourages every business in Newell to fly the American flag. He said that it would inspire residents and visitors to see the legendary red, white, and blue.

Take a walk or drive by the City Office to see the new addition and thank a member of VFW Post 5807.