NEWELL-The Newell Christian Fellowship Church took a journey through the jungle as children from K-6 traveled from Genesis-the beginning to Revelation-the ending. Each day the children were introduced to a new “C”-Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. The Bible was revealed in stories, colors, and animals.
The day began with songs and teachings on Missions and highlighting the animal of the day. The opening was followed by a story time and then it was off to games. Coming inside after the heat of outside was welcome as the ladies of the church served refreshments and the Bible verse of the day was reviewed.
The final phase downstairs was craft time. Each craft highlighted the story and verse of the day.
Finally, everyone met upstairs to sing, dance, and learn more about missions.
On the final day, adults were invited to join in to see a special presentation by the children featuring what they had learned during the week. Nila Charles and Darla Dunn also gave a demonstration of folding the flag and the meaning behind every fold.
The morning ended with everyone singing “God Bless America”.