Another Resignation from City Commission

Newell News News

NEWELL-The Newell Commissioners accepted another resignation from a commissioner at a special meeting held June 17. Letters of Intent will be accepted at the city office until the next regular meeting. Two letters have already been received by Deb Kopetsky and Don Hunt. Each of them was present and gave short comments on their desires to serve. Kopetsky wants to have a strong community and see the town grow. Hunt desires to help the community and see changes.

Lorrie Olson was approved as Newell Librarian by the Library Board and finalized by the commissioners with one dissenting vote. She will work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10 to 5. Olson will have 60 days probation. As an employee of the Library, she is also subject to regulations set by the city ordinances, as is any city employee.

An incinerator for Midwestern Meats has been approved after being tabled from the June 10 meeting. Ryan Dennis explained the incinerator and assured the commissioners that it was relatively smokeless with no odor and ash waste would be minimal. It should not be a threat to the school next door nor pose any public health problems.

Fees for the use of city hall by the Festival of Trees was waived since the proceeds benefit the fire departments of Newell, Vale, and Nisland as well as the ambulance service and food pantry.

Cody Burke addressed the commissioners concerning the electricity at the Ram Sale building. The building is leased by the Ram Sale Committee who is responsible for electricity all year. Burke pointed out that there are times during the year that power is billed during Labor Day and shouldn’t be entirely paid by the Ram Sale Committee. He presented a list showing the normal charges during the year, averaging $26.38 per month. He suggested that amount be used, making the annual bill for the committee $498.09 instead of $788.27. The commissioners approved the final bill as presented.

A building permit was approved for Carl Avery after he had changed his plans to move the structure back from the alley at 302 Knox Rd.

Another building permit was approved for David Swenby to build a gazebo at 409 E. 1st Street.

During Public Comment compliments were given to the new commission and Mayor. Also, a citizen brought up the importance of posting “Tobacco Free Zone” signs in areas that are owned/managed by the city. The public is reminded that Story Time at the Newell Library is every Wednesday from 11 to 11:30 for ages 0-5 years. The summer reading program for school age children takes place on Fridays.

The next regular meeting of the Newell Commissioners is July 8 at 5 p.m.