Letter to the Editor


I went to the City Council meeting 6-17-2024. I got about the same response I have always been getting. NONE.

We have a serious water hole at the corner of Zeiback & US 85 when it rains. When will something be done about this situation?

If you go north on 13th Avenue to National St. you have to pull clean out across the crosswalk to see if anyone is coming from the right. I’m sure the city could cut the knob enough so a person could see oncoming traffic?

When you drive up Dacar to 13th there are 3 willows on the left blocking your vision. I’m surprised there haven’t been a lot of accidents there. Just cut them down. I can do it, I have a chain saw.

There is a hole in the asphalt on Dacar St. I don’t know how big it is or how far it goes, but Dacar is the only way out of here for us. This needs to be addressed immediately.

I feel we are being used. It appears to me our city is being run by the city administrator and city lawyer.

The city administrator get $103,000 per year and benefits, which brings the total to about $140,000 per year.

The mayor gets $15,000 per year and each of the council members get $9,800 per year, which brings the administrative total to about $250,000 per year. Seems to me we are getting billed twice.

For our administration maybe we need to cut the fat. I don’t feel the unelected should be running the city.

We need to have more people stand up and be heard. We might get some action for our council members.

What good is a Mayor and City Council if they do nothing?

Raymond Allen