Words of Wisdom from Newell School Superintendent

Newell News

Dr. Pandi Pittman

The book “Outliers:  The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell refers to the “10,000-hour rule as the key to achieving true mastery in any skill.  Scientifically, the exact amount of time for everyone can be debated but 10,000 hours is a good estimate.

Taking part in weight training and open gym times during the summer helps to prevent injuries and sharpen skills.  Resistance training is important to increase muscular strength, strengthen ligaments and tendons, and increase bone mineral content. Participating in the open gym helps to develop cardiovascular conditioning as well as develop muscle memory of complex motions.

Encourage your child to participate in the opportunities provided at the Newell School District.  The school weight room will be open to students on Monday, Wednesday, and Fright nights from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.  Coaches have volunteered their time to work with your child.

Volleyball has an open gym 6:00 to 7:30 PM on Tuesday nights for high school players and Thursday nights with Girl’s basketball open gym will follow those evening.  The gym is open after weightlifting on Monday and Friday nights for Basketball.  Sunday afternoon, the middle school gym is open at 3:00 PM for athletes to work on basketball skills as well.  Check out the Newell Youth Basketball Facebook page for more information on the Sunday gym time.

Volleyball camp will be available in the Austin Auditorium on June 4-6.  Please visit the Newell School District Facebook page for times.  In addition, youth wresting camp for grades K-5 will be provided July 15-19 at 6:00 to 8:00 PM.  The wrestling camp for grades 6-12 will be July 22-26 at 5:00-8:00 PM.

Participating in these activities and opportunities will bring athletes closer to mastery as well as strengthening the bond between teammates.  Student athletics plays an important role in promoting a healthy lifestyle as well as motivating students academically.  Join us for the fun!