Volunteer Help Requested for School

Newell News

By Betty Bruner

NEWELL-Newell School Superintendent Dr. Pandi Pittman has issued a request for volunteer help to upgrade the school building and grounds through the months of June and July. There will be a wide variety of choices to help including replacing bathroom fixtures, landscaping, painting, and moving. According to Pittman the goal is to have a pristine campus by the first day of school. Community members are invited to give as much time as they can to the project.

The KSB Law Firm has been approved as attorney for the District. The firm has an attorney and staff who specialize in SPED, etc.

The school board approved Liveticket, a program that will record and upload activities to You Tube. The intent is to begin broadcasting events happening at the school. It will be funded through advertising.

The new Pre-K – 8 Principal Paul Clark was approved. He will be starting July 1, 2024 at $55,.000.

Hanna Hendricks was approved as K-8 Physical Education/Health teacher, with a salary of $47,400. She receives a higher “new teacher” salary because of her education.

The new Ag/Science teacher will be Cheyenne Parke with a salary of $45,000.

During Open Forum several parents voiced their concerns with the plans to have some classes being taught as online courses at the school. Dr. Pittman is considering using an in-classroom online version of some subjects that the school has not be able to hire. The online course would possibly be two days (with a teacher/para present) and two days as classroom studies. Students would be supervised every day.

One parent said that he felt it could turn out that no teachers would be available to teach classes and that it would isolate children at home. He encouraged the board to “find the teachers.”

Another parent felt that kids would miss out on options without teachers being at the front of the classroom. She said she was “appalled” at the idea of online classes.

The next regular School Board meeting is scheduled for June 10 at 6 p.m. in the Multi-purpose Room.