City Appoints New Finance Officer

Belle Fourche News

By Ryder Heitz

BELLE FOURCHE—At the City Council meeting on June 3, Wayne Tonsager was appointed as Finance Officer for the city, to begin June 4. Mayor Randy Schmidt noted that three applicants were interviewed for the position. 

The mayor reported that the bus pullout project between Belle Fourche and Spearfish is scheduled to begin June 4, 2024. The pullout will be constructed at the intersection of US-85 and Hat Ranch Drive and construction is expected to take two weeks.

The council heard community input from Randy Sowers, who spoke about the zero tolerance for the Code of Ethics violation. 

He cautioned Council members about setting the bar too high and advocated for transparency from the Council. Raymond Allen also voiced concern on the need for weight limit restrictions and signage in the Dacar Addition.

Public hearings for the approval of liquor licenses at the Tri-State Museum for Hometown Thursdays and at the Hitching Post Tap House for River Fest were discussed and approved unanimously.

Regular agenda items included a motion for Mayor Randy Schmidt to sign a letter of support for the Western South Dakota Water Supply Project Feasibility Study, which carried. A Class of 1960 Commemorative bench is to be placed at the Belle Fourche Rec Center. Larry Pilster submitted the gift application. As requested, the bench will be displayed in front of the pool so class members can watch their grandchildren swim.

The next city council meeting will be June 17.