Blood Drive for Scholarship Meets Goal

Newell News

By Ryder Heitz

NEWELL—The community rallied around Kim Johnson and Rachel Erk, two Newell graduates who held a blood drive with Vitalant to fulfill its Student Leader Scholarship requirements, on June 5.

The freshmen-to-be, with the help of the W.I.T. Coalition and the Newell Lion’s Club, set up shop bright and early at Newell’s Evangelical Church on Wednesday. The W.I.T. Coalition, headed by Sabrina Harmon, provided desserts and other snack foods for blood donors, and helped with making calls and setting up appointments. Pastor Tom provided the space at the church for the blood drive.

37 people signed up for appointments along with 5 walk-in donors. The goal to collect 40 units of blood was exceeded; a total of 42 units were collected that day. In order to earn the full $1,000 toward college, 75+ credits must be earned.

The girls will have one more blood drive to collect more donations toward their scholarship, to take place July 31 at the Nisland Fire Hall during the County Fair. Stop by and save a life!



Rachel Erk, left, and Kimberly Johnson, right, check donors in and keep track of blood collected at their blood drive on June 5.

Cheyenne Zunic checks up on Gary Donahue as he gives blood.

Denise Smeenk donates blood as Misty Weishaar oversees the process.

Heitz photos